Ron Stites Speaks at DOE ASP 2016 Workshop
On September 21, 2016, Ron Stites spoke at the DOE Analytical Services Program Workshop in Cincinnati, OH. He has chosen as his topic, “Managing Special Projects in the Lab.” He dealt with the almost inevitable question asked of every laboratory, “Is This Anything?” That is to say, is this process, sample, test result of any significance?
Ron draws from his many years of compliance, quality control and research laboratory experience to help guide the uninitiated in how to approach a new, out-of-the-ordinary project. Ron managed laboratory organization for almost 30 years. Much of it was “routine” work, but he always seemed to be the guy to get that “special project.”
Since 2006 Ron has been engaged full time in “special projects.” He has been applying Design of Experiment expertise, basic organizational techniques and financial modeling to design, manage and assess a variety of technology projects ranging from pilot plant studies to business investment plans.
In this talk Ron revealed some of the basic questions to be asked, techniques to be used and disciplines needed to answer non-routine questions asked of the laboratory. He shared some of his experiences of what can go wrong and how to avoid some of the biggest blunders.
This is not a primer on statistical control of experiments – though there is a little of that. Ron has found that the biggest blunders have their root cause in fuzzy thinking, poor communication and dysfunctional organization. Those will be covered in serious detail as part of how to effectively answer the question, “Is This Anything?”
If you are interested in learning more please email Ron at: [email protected].
Stites & Associates, LLC, is a group of technical professionals who work with clients to improve laboratory performance and evaluate and improve technology by applying good management judgment based on objective evidence and sound scientific thinking. For more information see: