I recently gave a lecture at the Brighton Business Builders, one of several smaller groups related to the Brighton Chamber of Commerce in Brighton, CO. The BBB is a group of small business owners and operators who meet weekly to exchange ideas and news.
I chose the topic is there “A War on Small Business?” I talked about the value and importance of small businesses in the US and how many claim to be advocates of small business. Then I posed several questions about what is reality and what might be some of the motivations of those who appear to not support small business by their actions and policies.
Finally I made some suggestions on how small business can be supported and helped to thrive in the current environment that can sometimes be hostile to small business.
I have created a video from the Power Point Presentation that I gave. It runs just under 15 minutes and can viewed on YouTube at:
Feel free to give me feedback on these ideas by emailing me at: [email protected].
Ron Stites holds a BS in Chemistry and an MBA in Finance and Accounting. Stites & Associates, LLC, is a group of technical professionals who work with clients to improve business performance and evaluate and improve technology by applying good management judgment based on objective evidence and sound scientific thinking. For more information see: www.tek-dev.net.